Alapacas bring a little happiness to Wigan care home residents

All smilesAll smiles
All smiles
Residents at a Wigan care home were delighted to welcome surprise visitors - four alpacas!

They were asked by the activity co-ordinator which animal they would like to see at Lakeside care home in Standish, as excitement built up before the big day.

And the residents were pleased to meet alpacas Max, Buttons, Snap and Columbus, accompanied by Pippa and Mark from Poppywood Alpacas.

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They met the beautiful creatures, fed them by hand, petted them and took them for walks on the grounds.

One resident, named Derek, excitedly jumped at the change to proudly walk alpacas Buttons and Max.

The alpacas’ handlers shared interesting facts about the animals and their history, while residents were given the chance to feel their sheared wool textures.

Their visit proved to be a hit with people living at the home.

Resident Rita said: “I really enjoyed feeding them.”

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Marjorie, another resident, added: “I enjoyed them coming, I learnt a lot.”

Another resident said: “I thought they were peaceful animals and their carers were very knowledgeable. It was an excellent idea and everyone appreciated it!”

Resident Marion said: “I think they were beautiful. They were very proud animals and it was a lovely surprise.”

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