Providing aid across the oceans - and Wiganers asked to do their bit

Children wear face protectors as part of the projectChildren wear face protectors as part of the project
Children wear face protectors as part of the project
Coronavirus has been deadly around the world and now Wiganers have been asked to help families living in the far away holiday island of Bali.

The call has been made by people behind a new project supporting islanders in the Indonesian resort to return to a normal life.

Catherine Hughes-Hobbs, from Ashton, who is involved with the initiative wants residents to buy a children’s face protector for just 49p to help families.

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The idea for the masks come from a woman called Eka who Catherine had met in Bali on board a cruise ship three years earlier.

Catherine Hughes-HobbsCatherine Hughes-Hobbs
Catherine Hughes-Hobbs

Since then the pair have stayed in contact and it was in the midst of the coronavirus crisis, when all cruise staff had been released from duty and returned home, that Catherine noticed a post from Eka on her social media about some colourful hand made children’s face protectors.

She and her sister were busy sewing them together to sell in Bali.

Catherine got in touch and quickly found out that this was their only source of income.

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Her wage from the cruise company had supported her family - mother, sister, nephews and nieces.

Without it they had nothing, so Catherine enquired about the face protectors and came up with the idea of buying some to sell for her in the UK.

During their messages it also became clear that the whole family were desperate, with no government aid and the whole island dependant on tourism

It was an easy decision and Catherine guided her through the process of importation from Bali to the UK and sent her the money to pay for the masks and the shipping, which amounted to just under £500 to start with.

The shipping cost almost as much as the masks.

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Catherine, said: “Eka wrote to tell her that the family couldn’t sleep with excitement, they were running out of food and were boiling leaves from the forest to survive.

“Eka said that in one more month they would no longer be able to afford any food. It looked like fate had stepped in just in time. “

They are being sold for 49p in the UK which is slightly less than what they cost.

Catherine said: “We would love for children here in Britain to wear them when they’re out and about knowing that by doing so they have helped children just like them to survive in a far away island.

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“By wearing a mask children can be detracted from touching their own mouth or nose.

“They may not stop the virus altogether but they do make us subconsciously aware about the importance of social distancing when we wear them.

“They are also compulsory when travelling on public transport.

“We are looking for schools or children’s organisations to get involved, it not only helps Eka and her family but the children of the UK can learn about how other communities across the world are using their initiative to get through the Covid19 disaster.

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“If you would like to help please let us know, we ordered 1,000 masks to start with but when word got around we decided to buy 1000 more. Wewould be delighted if we ran out and had to order even more. She added: “Think of the difference we can make to someone’s life with just 49p.

The extra 1,000 has already enabled Eka to provide food for the neighbouring villagers.”

To get involved, email [email protected] or call 07469190503.

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